Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Computer Education For Kids What Is So Wrong With Wanting Education In My Home??? When Did We Stop Telling Our Kids No??

What is so wrong with wanting education in my home??? When did we stop telling our kids no?? - computer education for kids

My son is 10 and his father died when he was 7th When his father was still alive, the few times she saw her son, who was cleared to play video games. My son fell in love and became addicted. I let him continue with video games, unless they have the appropriate age. They have been slacking in school and decided to take his game and is so crazy, but better in school. I want everything to education at home. Fun, but instructive. How educational films, television, computer and video games. He complained to teachers about "me so tight" and said that I simply "Be yourself"! If you can see what you want and play video games, you do worse in school and in a bad mood! Now he has more creativity and responsibility, and I want to know what's so wrong with that? They say: "May 18, when resentment." I say, "Well, at least I saved his 18th birthday! :)


momof3bo... said...

I congratulate you on being a parent. It's hard to say no and we want our children love us and like us, and some try so hard to be a friend for a good relationship with their children. As parents, our task is to care for them and do what we think is best for them and we are not here to be best friends are parents. I have been guilty of being afraid to say no, but I quickly learned that children need structure and rules of necessity and limits. You can find the right balance, as if he were one weeks school can a game to play or a film that time has not yet rated R and above, will choose, but wants the rest of the game from the school and week TV time is limited, and only after homework is finished and the budget. Some children do not even have video games or movies in general. I went to school with children who do not even have a television. They all have in school and went to college, and while they are "free" we made a few mistakes, and recognize that their parents do what they think is best for them. These children are now R & LAWYER and 1 works for the FBI. Cling to what he does and will thank you later, when he will graduate and have done a great job and a better future, then it can play video games all you want, too.

Shauna Roberts said...

I think he does the right of the mother believes that the school people can talk all they want, but what happens at home, you and I think it is that many parents with no life of the house is the safest loving parents and children can not control, and he is wrong.

CamMan and Rori's Mommy said...

As a mother AMAZING! Society needs more parents to promote education and not just him playing video games, to lift them out of their hair! GOOD JOB MOM and remember that other mothers criticizes more modest May, but we know what is best for our children !!!!!!

Tracey said...

Good for you ... Hang in there. The teachers are idiots. If we allow children to correct "himself," if they only eat junk food or play in traffic? Your child will have to set up more in the long run in terms of rules and stick to it. They will be more intelligent.

iwannakn... said...

As an elementary school teacher, I am really surprised (and disappointed) that their teachers have told you. I'm always on my students in the other direction (less television, video games, things are less education, etc.), but I dare not say what to do, a parent at home. Also, I do not see why this should be strictly off since he himself prevents ... The mere fact that a child knows no boundaries and restrictions means you can not speak! You can only open communication about why you do not want to play and still not a lot of fun, educational opportunities, not) available and do not forget that teachers are human beings - we all have different opinions, and it is possible that your teacher has This year, a different philosophy than you what is healthy for the children. Use it as an opportunity to signal that no more than one way to do something, but because it's at home and he is the child, not fathers, his rules are the rules of the house. Good luck and continue to believe what you know is right!

shamilto... said...

You go Mom! It is to you to decide what is best for your child at home, not their teacher! While you can not have the opportunity to express and to deny there is no reason why they should feel guilty about the destruction of all violent games and TV shows! Perhaps you have a little bit and that is a game that is a little education can compromise, he became interested in him, and only on weekends to play for a certain time and only if their work is done with their tasks when you ? I do not know who could help maintain peace a little :-)

Question Queen said...

Home is where education begins. Keep up the good work. Probably also angry that his father died. You and your child may be in counseling.

xoxokiss... said...

Although you forr:]

Mercy said...

You are a mother AWESOME! I am a teacher and I never say, a parent.

Mercy said...

You are a mother AWESOME! I am a teacher and I never say, a parent.

sarah_dt... said...

Congratulations, you have tried to give the best start to!

When you make a connection between their games and their qualifications, then you are a prohibition should be maintained or only allow him to play, if not all done their work. Quite right.

I think it's too severe, however, and could be cons-productive if it becomes a little older and braver. All your good intentions could go back in the end all and get your dose.

In addition, as part of the educational material you can see the inspiration from them and have a natural curiosity to see, or angry and watch / play against them? It is something to see. This will no doubt end in bitterness and to kill his natural interest in learning.

sarah_dt... said...

Congratulations, you have tried to give the best start to!

When you make a connection between their games and their qualifications, then you are a prohibition should be maintained or only allow him to play, if not all done their work. Quite right.

I think it's too severe, however, and could be cons-productive if it becomes a little older and braver. All your good intentions could go back in the end all and get your dose.

In addition, as part of the educational material you can see the inspiration from them and have a natural curiosity to see, or angry and watch / play against them? It is something to see. This will no doubt end in bitterness and to kill his natural interest in learning.

Psalm91 said...

Clapping and cheering for you MOM!

♥ Stephanie Louise♥ said...

We need more mothers like you

EC Expert said...

They have taken what can remind your child of his father. In addition, children have to do a certain amount of downtime, things without meaning to. Not everything must be educational and not everything that you need education to be fun. You have your own entertainment program for a limited time per day, while lying on his back and twiddle his thumbs and video games. If you still need to get every movement as it grows under control, you will find more reasons for us out of the house so he and things that can not afford to play the homes of other children.

EC Expert said...

They have taken what can remind your child of his father. In addition, children have to do a certain amount of downtime, things without meaning to. Not everything must be educational and not everything that you need education to be fun. You have your own entertainment program for a limited time per day, while lying on his back and twiddle his thumbs and video games. If you still need to get every movement as it grows under control, you will find more reasons for us out of the house so he and things that can not afford to play the homes of other children.

Las Vegas Mist said...

You can do the child what he wants when he take bad in school and they learn to do better, not to say, and what you want.

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